Charity Christmas Tree Chipping weekend

Got a sad looking Christmas tree you want to dispose of? Not sure where to put it? Want it to be responsibly disposed of? Bring it to us, and we’ll chip it, in return for donations to Sue Ryder Thorpe Hall Hospice – via the The Red Lion Warmington charity collection!

The weekend of 6th and 7th Jan – (or before if you are desperate to get rid of it) bring it to us at 30 Chapel Street, Warmington, PE8 6TH. Leave it near our bins, and we’ll chip and responsibly dispose of it for you! So you can clear the clutter and raise money for a great cause at the same time too!

Please push any donations through our door in a sealed envelope marked “Sue Ryder Thorpe Hall”.

Thank you- and please do spread the word by sharing this blog post, or any of our social media posts about it! You can find our facebook here.

Last year we raised £200- can you help us beat that this year?